Protecting our neighborhood trees.

Climate change is a global problem that requires local solutions. You can help.


Our mission is to protect the valuable Franklin Park & Forest tree canopy through education, restoration, advocacy, and community engagement.

Restoration, rewilding, health

Urban Forest Alliance and Franklin Area Citizens Association have paired up and have been engaged for well over a year to restore the north end of land that runs between Old Dominion Drive and Vermont Avenue. This area serves as one of the major gateways into our neighborhood. It has been unmaintained for years, resulting in an unsightly mess overtaken by invasive plants. Exotic vines threaten stately trees by blocking sunlight and/or girdling trunks. Native plants struggle to take hold. The area around the drainage basin has been infested with Japanese knotweed. Our two neighborhood groups are working to change this!

Invasive Vines Removal

Come join us for one of our Community Clean-ups! Urban Forest Alliance is doing what we can to help save trees that are on both privately owned and publicly held land in our neighborhood — including vine removal.

This year, we’re teaming up with Franklin Area Citizens’ Association to clear the vine-laden, trashy entryway to our neighborhood from Old Dominion Drive.

Want to help? We’d love to have you! Sign up for our newsletter (bottom of this page) or click here for our latest.


Invasive Vines Identification

Wintercreeper, Porcelain berry, English ivy, Five-leaf akebia, Sweet autumn clematis…these are just a few of the many invasive vines that are threatening our beautiful trees. Learn how to identify twelve common vines and safely remove them.


Native Plant & Seed Giveaways

Our Franklin Park Halloween Parade table was a huge success! Urban Forest Alliance gave away over 50 native plants and tree seedlings and 45 packets of native wildflower seeds to neighbors wanting to expand their native plant gardens. Our generous neighbors have more to give, just for the asking!


Local Advocacy

Urban Forest Alliance keeps you abreast of McLean and Fairfax County updates that will impact the tree canopy in our community. You can participate in county public meetings and make sure your voice is heard. Sign up for our communications to stay informed.

Tree Planting Initiative

Urban Forest Alliance neighbors Steve Lagerfeld and Mike Rapp call themselves, half in jest, the “Committee to Re-Forest the Forest.” Each fall, Steve and Mike have offered Franklin Park & Forest neighbors substantial nursery-grown oaks, maples, and black gums, delivered and planted at a considerable discount, thanks in part to the support of Great Jones Developments.


“There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.”

— E. O. Wilson

Listen to expert Doug Tallamy on PBS.

“When it comes to understanding the vital relationships between native plants and the wildlife that depends on them, Doug Tallamy is the acclaimed expert. His passion for bringing nature home by exploring these interactions and how they affect animal diversity is tireless.”
~ Growing a Greener World, PBS


 Recommended Reading

Join us on iNaturalist.

Visit the Invasive Species in Franklin Park Guide on iNaturalist and learn how to identify the exotic plants that are threatening our trees and wildlife. Help us locate, map, and remove these from our community.