Invasives-free McLean, Fairfax County, and Virginia
Take the pledge.
Yes! I pledge to identify and remove the invasive plant species from my property in McLean, Fairfax County, or other areas in Virginia. I will use the Virginia Invasive Plant Species List provided by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as my guide.
I understand that allowing these plants to remain in my yard may cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
I value our trees, parklands, farms, and natural areas and commit to doing my part to preserving the ecology of our beautiful state. I support Virginia’s natural habitat, native birds, and wildlife by recognizing damage done by invasive plants and removing them.
I realize that some of these plants may be part of my intentional landscape, and I will replace them with appropriate native plants; or if I choose a non-native replacement, I will ensure that it is non-invasive before I buy.
Asiatic dayflower
Bull thistle
Canada thistle
Common chickweed
Creeping Charlie
Curly dock
European stinging nettle
Garlic mustard
Ivy-leaved speedwell
Japanese honeysuckle
Japanese knotweed
Japanese stiltgrass
Jointhead grass
Lesser celandine
Long-bristled smartweed
Marsh dewflower
Oriental bittersweet
Porcelain berry
Sheep sorrel
Spotted knapweed
Tree of Heaven
Wavyleaf grass
Amur (Bush) honeysuckle
Beefsteak plant
Border privet
Burning bush
Callery (Bradford) pear
Chinese privet
Chinese silvergrass
Chinese wisteria
English ivy
Golden bamboo
Japanese barberry
Japanese spiraea
Japanese wisteria
Linden arrowwood
Multiflora rose
Norway maple
Periwinkle, greater
Periwinkle, lesser
Royal paulownia
Siberian elm
Silver poplar
White mulberry
Yellow flag
* Not a complete list