It’s happening!
Urgent call for volunteers
Design to create a native pollinator garden and restore land at the entrance of Franklin Park. This area is currently overrun by invasive and other unwanted plants. Overgrowth also creates a traffic hazard. (Top of picture: Old Dominion Drive; to the left is Park Road; and at the bottom is Vermont Avenue.)
Saturdays, September 2 - October 7; 10 am - 12 pm
(with rain dates on the following Sundays)
It’s happening! The Franklin Area Citizens Association and the Urban Forest Alliance (FACA/UFA) are making the final preparations to install a native plant pollinator garden at Park Road and Vermont Avenue. It’s happening now…and we need you!!
Every Saturday from September 2 until October 7, FACA/UFA will clear invasive and other unwanted plants in preparation for the installation of native trees, shrubs, and grasses.
It might feel like this has been a long-time coming. Several of you have financially contributed to this effort, for which many, many thanks are due! Without your support, we would not be able to make this project a reality. Over the summer, FACA/UFA has been working behind the scenes to make this garden a reality. Members have been contributing time to track down sources for buying plants, ensure paperwork is in order, meet with contractors, and determine logistical needs that will help successfully establish this garden. And now we are ready to DIG IN!
And we need you! Please join us this Saturday, September 2, and subsequent Saturdays until October 7.
What to wear and bring — Weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes with a good tread appropriate for walking through an area of uneven ground. Long sleeves and pants, are a must. Gloves are a must (some extras will be available). Hats are always a good idea. Walking sticks if you have them for stability – a few are available for use. Water is always a good idea, as is bug spray!
Bring garden shears and/or loppers if you have them, and any other useful garden tools. While poison ivy has not been noticed in the area we will be working, it’s a sneaky plant and always better to be on the watch. Skin barrier cream will be provided, as well as a poison ivy wash for oils that may have gotten past your gloves and the barrier cream.
Gather – at the intersection of Park Road and Vermont Avenue. Not much parking is available at this spot, so please park closer to Massachusetts Avenue.
We can’t wait to see you!