Help! Look for Spotted Lanternflies
***Destroys Virginia’s forests and vineyards***
Hello All,
As you may already know, the Spotted lanternfly has made its way down to areas in DC and VA. We would like your help in spreading the word and you can do so by sharing this flyer. This spotted lanternfly flyer is ready to be distributed in any way you may see fit. You can download and post on Facebook, print and post in public spaces, etc. We hope to get the most outreach possible so any help would be appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Stephanie Lamb
CVA Invasive Plant Management Team
Note: Tree of Heaven is the host plant for Spotted lanternflies. If you have Tree of Heaven on or near your property, you will likely see Spotted lanternflies climbing up the trunk of the tree. Tree of Heaven is also a highly invasive species and we strongly recommend that you remove these trees if you have them.
Tree of Heaven can be identified by its seed clusters. You’ll see many along Old Dominion Drive.