Franklin Park Tree Walk

UFA invites you to join us for a guided neighborhood tree walk in Franklin Park

Saturday October 8th 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

The Urban Forest Alliance is partnering with an experienced tree steward to guide us in discovering and celebrating the beauty, variety, and importance of the trees in our Franklin Park/Franklin Forest neighborhood. We’ll depart from the intersection of Massachusetts and Virginia and make a loop with Rhode Island and Virginia.

Children are welcome…and encouraged to participate!

It will help with our planning if you could RSVP to — and, feel free to join us anyway, if you decide to come at the last minute!

And if you have a special tree in your yard — whether for its size or variety or beauty or age or history or some other personal connection — we’d love to know about it!

What to wear and bring – Clothing and comfortable shoes with a good tread appropriate for walking through our neighborhood. Water is always a good idea!

Gather – at the intersection of Massachusetts Ave and Virginia.

The rain date is October 9 from 3:30-5:00.

We’d love to have you!

Learn the stories behind our beautiful Franklin Park neighborhood trees


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