Community Workday: Feb 8! Operation Stream Shield: Preserving trees along Chesterbrook footpath
We’ve hired the OSS! Errr…that’s Operation Stream Shield and not what some of you may have been thinking! That OSS doesn’t exist anymore, having metamorphosed into other acronyms. This OSS is a game changer for our well-worn footpath to Chesterbrook Shopping Center!
Operation Stream Shield is a partnership between two Fairfax County offices that benefits the environment and provides assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness. Urban Forest Alliance and the Franklin Area Citizens Association will be working with Operation Stream Shield to control the overgrowth of invasive vines along the footpath that leads to Chesterbrook Shopping Center. (We haven’t actually hired the OSS folks as this is a service from the County).
The Chesterbrook footpath is a well-loved, well-used path, as can be seen from the footprints in the snow pictured above. And it’s a mess, as you can see from this video:
The Tarzan-like vines are most likely Porcelain berry, a very nasty and pervasive problem. The greenery all over the ground and climbing up the trees is English ivy. We like to thinks it’s harmless, but it’s destructive, and it’s still being sold in retail stores!
The problem with allowing vines to overtake trees is that it eventually kills the trees. The trees are weakened through competition for soil nutrients and the vines block sunlight. If the tree dies, it will eventually topple if not removed. The potential implications are huge: traffic could come to a stop; electric and communication wires could be damaged; houses could be damaged; people could be damaged.
Our work with Operation Stream Shield is an attempt to correct the problem by removing the vines and giving the trees a chance. Three dates are set for this work:
Thursday, February 8; 10 am to 2 pm
Thursday, February 22; 10 am to 2 pm
Tuesday, February 27; 10 am to 2 pm
Join for all or part of the work! As usual, certain precautions need to be taken as outlined below. We hope to see you there!
What to wear and bring — Weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes with a good tread appropriate for walking through a wooded area with uneven surfaces. Long sleeves and pants, hats, and sunglasses if needed. Gloves are a must!! Barrier cream will be available. Walking sticks if you have them for stability – a few are available for use. The terrain could be uneven and challenging in areas. Water is always a good idea, even in cooler weather.
Some loppers and cutters will be available; however, we appreciate additional equipment if you are able to bring some. We also have some extra gloves, if needed.
Gather – at the intersection of Old Dominion Drive and Cloverlawn Court. All participants are asked to sign in and instructions for clearing vines from trees, or other similar tasks, will be given.
Want to help? We’d love to have you!
If you can’t make this event, mark your calendars for other opportunities to restore land in our neighborhood this winter:
Vermont Avenue: Saturdays on Feb 3, March 2; from 10 am to noon (contact -
Birch Road at Lorraine: Saturdays on Feb 17, March 16; from 10 am to noon (contact - Maureen at
Chesterbrook Swim and Tennis Club: Mondays (times TBD; contact - Veronica at
How to save trees from English ivy